C++ Modify In-Place Operators in R

Recreating C++ operators in R.

I recently started the Rcpp chapter in Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R. C++ has some similarities with R (sprintf() and if else syntax both come to mind) - afterall R is written in both native R and C, and C++ extends C with “classes”. Of course, there are many differences between C++ and R, such as scope, class, member functions, type declaration, etc.

However, C++ has one thing that R currently does not have and is something that I believe can be implemented in R: the modify in-place operators:

C++ Modify In-Place Operator Use Translation
+= x += x[i] x = x + x[i]
-= x -= x[i] x = x - x[i]
*= x *= x[i] x = x * x[i]
/= x /= x[i] x = x / x[i]

As a “fun” activity, I decided to write R-equivalents for these operators.

A simple function

Essentially, these C++ operators can be expressed as special infix operators in R: functions wrapped in %% and used in between two R objects. I decided to use magrittr’s compound assignment pipe-operator, %<>%, as a basis for these new operators - though, it’s probably not necessary.

In order to reassign the new value to the original lhs argument’s name, I decided to use assign().

Here is my first-take:

# Load magrittr

# Write the function
`%+=%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {
    name <- substitute(lhs)
    lhs %<>% `+`(rhs)
    assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame())

An efficient function

A factory

Extending the above example to the remaining operators would require writing a function for each operator. Using a function factory, a factory (closure) for making new functions, would be a far more efficient approach:

# Write a function factory
make_compound_incrementer <- function(fun) {
  fun <- match.fun(fun)
  function(lhs, rhs) {
    name <- substitute(lhs)
    lhs %<>% fun(rhs)
    assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame())

Now we’re talking.

And it’s products

It is now just a matter of calling the function with the appropriate operator and then assigning that output to an appropriate name:

# Create individual functions using the factory
`%+=%` <- make_compound_incrementer("+")
`%-=%` <- make_compound_incrementer("-")
`%*=%` <- make_compound_incrementer("*")
`%/=%` <- make_compound_incrementer("/")


A simple rhs

Let’s try them out.

# Use x
x <- 1:5

# %+=%
x %+=% 1
x %+=% 1
x %+=% 1
## [1] 4 5 6 7 8
# %-=%
x %-=% 1
x %-=% 1
x %-=% 1
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# %*=%
x %*=% 2
x %*=% 2
x %*=% 2
## [1]  8 16 24 32 40
# %/=%
x %/=% 2
x %/=% 2
x %/=% 2
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

A more verbose rhs

More complex rhs expressions can be written with the use of a lambda expression (chains wrapped in {}). The following is just an example of such a chain, though not very useful in practice:

x <- 1:5

# The rhs (wrapped in {}) is a lambda expression with its own chain
x %+=% {
  x[2] %>%
    seq(., length.out = 5, by = .) %>%
## [1]  7  8  9 10 11

Possible uses

Something that works

The only real possible use for such operators would be the same use for such operators in C++: control flow.

x <- 1:5
out <- rep(1, 5)

# A very simple for loop that works
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
  out %*=% x[i]

## [1] 120 120 120 120 120

Something that does not work

If the lhs in the above for loop is subsetted, we get both a warning message and an undesired result:

x <- 1:5
out <- rep(1, 5)

# A for loop which produces undesired results
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
  out[i] %*=% x[i]
## Warning in assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame()): only
## the first element is used as variable name

## Warning in assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame()): only
## the first element is used as variable name

## Warning in assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame()): only
## the first element is used as variable name

## Warning in assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame()): only
## the first element is used as variable name

## Warning in assign(as.character(name), lhs, envir = parent.frame()): only
## the first element is used as variable name
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1

To fix this feature, off the top of my head, the infix operators would require some new steps:

  1. Parsing the parse tree of the lhs for a subsetting function.
  2. Evaluating i and lhs[i].
  3. Assigning the new value back into lhs[i]

However, that’s more than I want to cover and it’s a good stopping point.

Published by and tagged c++, r and rcpp using 779 words.

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