Data Frames

Functions that help manipulate data frames.

Returns columns numbers using dplyr-like selection syntax (i.e. col1:col5).

Implementation of an unsanitary program's infamous function.

Apply a function to a faceted piece of data.

Dates and Times

Functions that deal with dates and times

Fill in missing sequences


Functions to that provide shorthand logical conditions.

The replacement operator. Replaces the

This is an abbreviation of identical(FALSE, x) to go along with isTRUE()


Functions that do math.

The modified combination of the modulus function (

Memory Management

Functions that describe what is currently available in memory.

Find the total memory of all objects

List objects in the current work space (global environment) and their

Shorthand form of ls.objects().

Summary statistics of objects in workspace by Type.


Unsorted functions.

A new version of an old favorite with some extra options

Guess classes of a file.

Get all object names from a function's environment.

Source found in Winston Chang's "Cookbook for R" at the following link:

Console function for determing: class, type, mode, and names of an object.


Direct exports from the magrittr package.

Objects exported from other packages


Functions to help with string manipulation.

Convert snake_case to CamelCase.

Paste unqouted values and return unqouted name/symbol

Convert CamelCase to snake_case.

Vectors and Lists

Functions that provide help when using vectors and lists.

Sequentially extract elements from vectors of equal length in a list.

Finds the position of a named list element within a list (with no

Apply a function to a nested list.

A vector recycler that recycles with

A vector recycler that recycles from the start of the vector.

Fill in missing sequences