MySQL Lahman Database

Generating baseball statistics with SQL and R.

Shortly before the start of the 2016 World Series, I imported the Lahman baseball database into MySQL and built a few interesting statistics out of it. There is a Lahman dataset that comes with the dplyr package but I figured it would be good practice to explore the dataset with SQL and R.

Here’s how I went about my cursory glance.

Connect to database

I used the DBI and RMySQL packages to connect to the Lahman database from R.

db <- dbConnect(MySQL(), dbname = "lahman")

Generating stats with SQL

I then set the knitr language engine to SQL for the following code chunks. I then generated some SQL statements to take an intitial look at the dataset.

More than 2000 regular season hits with NO hits while appearing in the postseason

SELECT tmin.playerID, tmin.H_total as H_regular, ptmax.H_total as H_post
      SELECT t.playerID, t.H_total
      FROM (
          SELECT playerID, sum(H) as H_total
          FROM batting
          GROUP BY playerID) as t
      WHERE t.H_total >= 2000
    ) as tmin
    SELECT pt.playerID, pt.H_total
    FROM (
        SELECT playerID, sum(H) as H_total
        FROM battingpost
        GROUP BY playerID) as pt
    WHERE pt.H_total = 0
    ) as ptmax
ON tmin.playerID = ptmax.playerID
ORDER BY H_regular DESC;
playerID H_regular H_post
willibi01 2711 0
averiea01 2017 0

More than 2000 regular season hits with NO postseason AB

SELECT tmin.playerID, tmin.H_total
      SELECT t.playerID, t.H_total
      FROM (
          SELECT playerID, sum(H) as H_total
          FROM batting
          GROUP BY playerID
          ) as t
      WHERE t.H_total >= 2000
    ) as tmin
LEFT JOIN battingpost as bp
ON tmin.playerID = bp.playerID
ORDER BY tmin.H_total DESC;
playerID H_total
applilu01 2749
bankser01 2583
bellbu01 2514
vernomi01 2495
torrejo01 2342
santoro01 2254
kellge01 2054
johnsbo01 2051

Most postseason AB without a hit

SELECT pt.playerID, pt.AB_total, pt.H_total
    SELECT playerID, sum(AB) as AB_total, sum(H) as H_total
    FROM battingpost
    GROUP BY playerID
    ) as pt
WHERE pt.AB_total > 10 AND pt.H_total = 0
playerID AB_total H_total
earnsge01 22 0
sullibi03 21 0
freylo01 20 0
reussje01 19 0
bergewa01 18 0
brookto01 18 0
bumgama01 18 0
grovele01 18 0
tebeapa01 18 0
tudorjo01 17 0

Lowest BA while hitting 30 or more HR

SELECT playerID, yearID, teamID, HR, H/AB as BA
FROM batting
WHERE HR >= 30
playerID yearID teamID HR BA
reynoma01 2010 ARI 32 0.1984
kingmda01 1982 NYN 37 0.2037
dunnad01 2012 CHA 41 0.2041
kingmda01 1986 OAK 35 0.2103
kittlro01 1984 CHA 32 0.2146
thomago01 1985 SEA 32 0.2149
valenjo03 2004 CHA 30 0.2156
armasto01 1983 BOS 36 0.2178
dunnad01 2013 CHA 34 0.2190
reynoma01 2011 BAL 37 0.2210

Generating statistics with R

I couldn’t resist importing some of the datasets into R. Afterall, I am not as saavy with SQL as I am with R. I decided also to focus on generating one statistic, for now.

Consecutive 30 or more HR seasons

One part SQL

First, using SQL, I need to grab the data from the database for players that have hit 30 or more HR’s.

SELECT playerID,
       count(yearID) as stint,
       sum(G) as G,
       sum(AB) as AB,
       sum(R) as R,
       sum(H) as H,
       sum(2B) as 2B,
       sum(3B) as 3B,
       sum(HR) as HR,
       sum(RBI) as RBI,
       sum(SB) as SB,
       sum(CS) as CS,
       sum(BB) as BB,
       sum(SO) as SO,
       sum(IBB) as IBB,
       sum(HBP) as HBP,
       sum(SH) as SH,
       sum(SF) as SF,
       sum(GIDP) as GIDP
FROM batting
        (SELECT playerID, yearID, sum(HR) as HR
         FROM batting
         GROUP BY playerID, yearID) as b
     WHERE b.HR >= 30)
GROUP BY playerID, yearID;
Three parts R: Part I

First thing I did with R was to generate the necessary conditions and splits in order to aggregate the data. I then added two columns: (1) to reflect the number of players which meet the condition >= 30 HR and (2) to indicate the number of HR per player for each year.


# Filter data for >= 30 HR. Find consecutive seasons of >= 30 HR.
HR.min     <- (batting$HR >= 30) %>% which
HR.strk    <- split(batting[HR.min, ], cumsum(c(1, diff(HR.min) != 1)))
HR.min.agg <- ldply(HR.strk)

# Add results by year
HR.year.agg   <- aggregate(. ~ yearID, FUN = sum, data = HR.min.agg[, -c(1:2, 4)])
HR.year.split <- split(HR.min.agg, HR.min.agg$yearID)

# Add columns: numPlayers, HRperPlayer
HR.year.agg$numPlayers  <- sapply(HR.year.split, nrow)
HR.year.agg$HRperPlayer <- HR.year.agg$HR/HR.year.agg$numPlayers
Three parts R: Part II

With the data above, I can plot the two new columns.

# Plot data
plots <- list()
plots$numPlayers  <- ggplot(HR.year.agg, aes(yearID, numPlayers))
plots$HRperPlayer <- ggplot(HR.year.agg, aes(yearID, HRperPlayer))

# View plots
plots$numPlayers + geom_line() + ggtitle("Number of Players With 30 or More HR's in a Season by Year")

plots$HRperPlayer + geom_line() + ggtitle("Average HR's per Player With 30 or More HR's in a Season by Year")

Three parts R: Part III

Finally, I decided to take a look at those players with at least 6 consecutive seasons of 30 or more HR’s. There were quite a few players I could not recognize, such as Jimmie Foxx and Eddie Mathews.

# Sort streaks of >= 30 HR
HR.strk.count        <- data.frame(playerID = sapply(HR.strk, function(x) x[[1]][1]))
HR.strk.count$streak <- sapply(HR.strk, nrow)
HR.strk.count        <- HR.strk.count[order(-HR.strk.count$streak), ]
row.names(HR.strk.count) <- NULL

HR.strk.count[HR.strk.count$streak >= 6, ]
##     playerID streak
## 1  bondsba01     13
## 2  rodrial01     13
## 3   foxxji01     12
## 4  pujolal01     12
## 5  delgaca01     10
## 6   sosasa01     10
## 7  gehrilo01      9
## 8  matheed01      9
## 9  palmera01      9
## 10 ramirma02      9
## 11 schmimi01      9
## 12 thomeji01      9
## 13 bagweje01      8
## 14 belleal01      8
## 15 mantlmi01      8
## 16 piazzmi01      8
## 17  ruthba01      8
## 18 teixema01      8
## 19 aaronha01      7
## 20 cabremi01      7
## 21  dunnad01      7
## 22 mcgrifr01      7
## 23 fieldpr01      6
## 24 heltoto01      6
## 25 howarry01      6
## 26 killeha01      6
## 27  mayswi01      6
## 28 mccovwi01      6
## 29 mcgwima01      6
## 30 vaughmo01      6

Published by and tagged R, baseball, mysql, rmysql and sql using 991 words.

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